Omega Writers

Discover the Finalists and Winners of the Omega Writers CALEB Award, a prize for Christian Writers in Australia and New Zealand. Please note, this page is under construction and some results may be incomplete. Please contact us if you have information to add.

2023 CALEB Award (Unpublished)

Unpublished Adult Fiction
Kate Mackereth – WINNER 
Emily J Mauritz
Tamara Wenham

Unpublished Young Adult Fiction
Jennifer Sadler (writing as Aemilia J Stewart)
Rochelle Sharpe 
Julia Archer – WINNER The Drone Guy Project

2022 CALEB Award (Published and Unpublished)

Published Adult Fiction
Dusk’s Darkest Shores by Carolyn Miller
Fake Identity at Stake by Lisa Renee
In Want of a Wife by Meredith Resce – WINNER

Published Young Adult Fiction
Finding Joy by Elaine Fraser
Framing Fleur by Jenny Glazebrook
Elite by Kristen Young – WINNER

Published Nonfiction
Skinny Girl by Susan Brown
Two Sisters and Brain Tumor by Emily Maurits – WINNER
Surviving Childlessness by Steph Penny

Unpublished Adult Fiction
Dienece Darling
Samantha Oritz
Suzie Pybus – WINNER

Unpublished Nonfiction
Susan Barnes
Craig Chapman
Barbara McKay
Stephanie Walters – WINNER

2021 CALEB Award (Published)

Children’s Picture Books
All Cats are on the Autism Spectrum Written and Illustrated by Kathy Hoopman
The Other Brother – Written by Penny Jaye and Illustrated by Heidi Cooper Smith
Grandma’s Treasured Shoes – Written by Coral Vass and Illustrated by Christina Huynh – WINNER

Children’s Fiction (Early Reader and Middle Grade)
Where the Jungle Calls by Rosie Boom
The Adventures of Romy by Penelope Foote
How Not to be Popular by Cecily Paterson – WINNER

Young Adult Fiction
Saving Beth by Jenny Glazebrook
Golden City (Realm Trilogy #3) by Sharon Manssen
Apprentice by Kristen Young – WINNER

Adult Fiction
Scattered by Nola Lorraine
Organized Backup by Meredith Resce
The Silk Merchant of Sychar by Cindy Williams – WINNER

Adult Biography or Memoir
On the Way: An Australian Doctor in Yemen and Pakistan by Michael Babbage – WINNER
Count Your Blessings: Colin’s Story by Colin & Hazel Barker
One Rich Girl by Gwenda Smithies

Adult Nonfiction
Echoes of Jesus: Does the New Testament Reflect What He Said? by Jonathan Clerke
Riding the Wind: Writing for Children and Young Adults by Rosanne Hawke
Sinned Against: Exploring the Scriptures by Valerie Wressell – WINNER

2020 CALEB Award (Unpublished)

Adult Fiction
Helen Carr
Emily Maurits
Mindy Shaw – WINNER

Young Adult Fiction
Kirsten Hart
Judy Rogers
Jean Saxby – WINNER – The Craving 

Susan Barnes – WINNER
Jeffrey McKee

2019 CALEB Award (Published and Unpublished)

Published Picture Book
The Invisible Tree: Goodness, written by Kirrily Lowe and illustrated by Henry Smith
Lily’s Balloon, written by Katrina Roe and illustrated by Helene Magisson – WINNER
Wilbur the Wooly, written and illustrated by Nikki Rogers

Published Young Adult Fiction
Finding Kerra by Rosanne Hawke
Out of the Cages by Penny Jaye – WINNER
Being Jazmine by Cecily Anne Paterson

Published Adult Fiction
Under a Blue Moon by Phillip Cook
Grace in the Shadows by Christine Dillon – WINNER
Iscariot by Mark Worthing

Published Biography or Memoir
The Sides of Heaven by Hazel Barker
Hudson Taylor and China: A Dramatic Biography by David Bennett – WINNER
Hidden Thorns by Marie-Rose Fox

Unpublished Adult Fiction
Catherine Murray
Claire Steel
Carmen Thornton – WINNER

2018 CALEB Award


Carolyn Miller (Fiction, for The Ellusive Miss Ellison)
Jen Gibbs (Non-fiction, for She)
Penny Reeve (Children’s, for Camp Max, and overall winner)
Susan J Bruce (Unpublished Fiction – Running Scared, now published)


Published Fiction – Carolyn Miller, Amanda Deed, Meredith Resce,
Published Non-Fiction – Jen Gibbs, (Harriet Conner, Rosie Bloom)
Published Children’s Literature – Katrina Roe, Jen Gibbs, (Penny Reeve)
Unpublished Manuscript – Susan Bruce, Raelene Purtill, (Alisha Walkerden, Jarrod Stackelroth)

2017 CALEB Award

Published Children’s Picture Books
The Mighty, Mighty King Christmas Book – by Penny Morrison Illustrated by Lisa Flanagan
Small and Big – by Karen Collum Illustrated by Ben Wood – WINNER
My Imagination – written and illustrated by Ellen Wildig

Published Fiction
Daystar: The Days are Numbered – by Anne Hamilton
Forgiving Sky – by Jenny Glazebrook
Amazing Grace – by Elaine Fraser
Charlie Franks is A-OK – by Cecily Anne Paterson – WINNER and OVERALL WINNER

Published Non-Fiction
Heaven Tempers the Wind – by Hazel Barker
Becoming Me – by Jo-Anne Berthelsen
Burn My Letters : Tyranny to Refuge – by Ruth Bonetti – WINNER

Unpublished Manuscript
In the Middle of the Whirlwind – by Hannah Currie 
The Gryphon Key – by Elizabeth Klein 
Siren’s Flight – by Kristen Young – WINNER
Holy War – by Anthony Peterson

2016 CALEB Award

Catriona McKeown – The Boy in the Hoodie – Unpublished Fiction winner and overall winner.

Cindy Williams was short listed for the 2016 Caleb Prize for her debut novel ‘The Pounamu Prophecy’.

2015 CALEB Award

No contest this year

2014 CALEB Award

Fiction category:
The Inheritance by Jo-Anne Berthelsen (Even Before Publishing) 
Suzannah’s Gold by Carol Preston (Even Before Publishing)
Imogen’s Chance by Paula Vince (Even Before Publishing)

Devotion category:
Dynamic Aging by Ray Hawkins (Even Before Publishing)

Unpublished category:
Miss Kate’s Great Expectations by Rita Stella Galieh

Susanne Timpani won Unpublished Adult Fiction 

2013 CALEB Award

Non-fiction and overall Grand Prize: Dr Patricia Weerakoon, Teen Sex by the Book 
Boom Prize: Jada Rolston, Ellie’s Dream 
Unpublished Manuscript: Adele Jones, Integrate (Later Published)
Reviewers’ Choice: Zachary Veron, Youth Ministry on the Front Foot 
Booksellers’ Choice: Carol Preston, Tangled Secrets 
Biography: Julie Anita Raymond, Adventures with a Glass Eye and Peter Clyburn, Down Humdrum Street 
Children’s Books: Penny Reeve, Wonderfully Madison 
Poetry: Janette Fernando, Taking Flight Andrew Lansdown, Gestures of Love 
Fiction: Rose Dee, A New Resolution

Contagious Hope by Debbie Roome – Adult Fiction finalist

2013 CALEB Award Children’s Category finalists More Than A Mouse and Wonderfully Madison. by Penny Reeve

2012 CALEB Award

Back to Resolution won the Bookseller’s Choice award at the 2012 CALEB Awards


2011 CALEB Award

Best Forgotten by Paula Vince, Published Adult Fiction
Jo Wanmer won Unpublished with Though the Bud be Bruised (later published)


2010 CALEB Award

Fiction Finalists – Paula Vince, Amanda Deed and Mary Hawkins. 

Amanda Deed won for The Game

Twice stolen won the CALEB prize for an unpublished manuscript.