Omega Writers

Omega Writers Retreat is going online!

As we all know, the pandemic continues to throw everyone’s plans into disarray. After postponing our Omega Writers Conference from 2020 to 2021, we now have to change everything again and go online.

But don’t get despondent. We’re planning an Online Writers Retreat on Friday night 8 October and Saturday 9 October that will be inspiring, collegial, fun and rewarding. And you’re invited!

What’s on the program?

On Friday 8 October We’ll begin with the Super-Keen Supper Session at 8:30pm (Sydney time). Catch up over supper and enjoy a very entertaining activity. We’re planning it as you read this! (Turn up a little early if you’re a signed up Omega Writers Member and join the Annual General Meeting at 7pm.)

On Saturday 9 October, we’ll enjoy a Zoom program with speakers, workshops and panel discussions, as well as breakout groups. Sessions will allow space for breaks and individual writing.

9am (Sydney time)  –      Welcome from the president, break out rooms into genre

10am & 11.30 –     We’ll hear from our guest speakers. Edie Melson will speak on Soul Care for Writers , and author Nicole Partridge will be presenting about the writers’ life. Morning tea from 11 – 11.30am

12.30 – 1.30 – Lunch break

1.30-3pm –      Panel: “Paths to publishing”

3-3.30 – Break time

3.30-5pm –     Panel: “Marketing”

5pm – Mini break

5.15-6pm – Optional Panel Follow up Breakout Groups

7pm – 8.30 Get ready for the exciting CALEB Awards Night. Bring a drink and dress up in something fancy! 

Please note: all times are Sydney times as at 9 October 2021. Adjust forward or back for your own time zone.

What’s the cost?

Cost for Saturday day program:
Omega Members: $50 (Watch your email for a discount code coming soon)
Non-Members: $70

CALEB Awards session is FREE, but you need to register for your ticket using the Trybooking link.

Some sessions may be recorded and available two weeks after the event.

can I get a Scholarship?

There are 5 full scholarships available to the Online Retreat. Apply here.

How can I book?

Go here to register for the retreat AND the CALEB Awards using the TryBooking link