Omega Writers

About Omega Writers

We’re Australia's Christian writers network, aiming to provide inspiration, learning, celebration and encouragement for Christian writers in Australia and New Zealand.

Who brings Omega Writers events and resources to life? We’re a volunteer-run association of members. The busy bees who work in the background, otherwise known as the Management Committee, are elected Omega Writers members. Voting happens annually at our AGM.


In 2024, the Omega Writers committee members are:

Meredith Resce


Adele Jones


Amanda Deed


Committee members:

Additional help from

Conference subcommittee

Our Story

The Omega Writers story fea-
tures inspiration, commitment
and an overwhelming desire to
support, network and resource
Christian writers in Australia and
New Zealand.

Open Book Publisher’s John Pfitzner hosts a seminar
in Brisbane to attract new Christian authors.
Amongst the writers at this event is author Ruth
Bonetti who is inspired to invite a group to gather on
a regular basis.
A dozen or so Christian writers meet monthly for many years, inviting guest speakers and engaging in writing
activities, always with the focus of supporting and praying for each other.
Omega Writers publish a well-received anthology, Seasons of Giving.
Lyn Hurry and Anne Hamilton put on the Alpha2Omega Conference of Literary and Dramatic Arts in Brisbane, drawing authors across Australia. Annie Hamilton encourages authors to support each other by reviewing each other’s books on Goodreads, initiates a digital magazine, Zaphon, and begins to have more regular conferences.

The first CALEB awards has more than 40 entries and two judges. Prizes are offered in various fiction and
non-fiction categories at the Conference gala. Omega Writers local writing chapters multiply to include groups in
Toowoomba, Gold Coast, other Australian capital cities and New Zealand. Other location based, or genre specific
online chapter groups also formed.

The CALEB Award expands to include unpublished manuscripts.
Omega Writers has over 150 financial members across Australia and NZ.
The future of Omega Writers looks precarious with most of the leadership team needing to step down. Susan
Barnes and Jenny Glazebrook decide to host a Christian Writers’ conference in Victoria. As Omega Writers faces
a crossroads, Simon Kennedy, screen and songwriter, puts his hand up to take the role of President, supported by
Amanda Deed and Judy Rogers, revamping the website and logo, continuing with the conference and CALEB.
The Screenwriting Genre Group is established.
When Meredith Resce becomes president, the leadership committee grows in size and scope, as do the annual
conferences, headed up by Raewyn Elsegood and now inviting international speakers. Meredith’s vision for
Omega Writers to become a network to connect writers to existing resources leads to strong relationships with the
blogs, Australasian Christian Writers and Christian Writers Downunder.
Membership numbers are at 98.
The Wollongong Chapter Group is established.
More growth in the leadership team sees an increase in promotion, sponsorships and financial members. The global pandemic stops our in-person conference, but the team, led by Penny Reeve pivots to provide an online zoom retreat, which sets the pattern for future conferences: one year in-person, one year online.
The Tasmanian zoom chapter group is established.
The CALEB Awards are the biggest yet with 55 entries across 5 categories and 57 judges across two rounds. Iola
Goulton brings changes to the CALEB Awards, with unpublished awards one year, and published awards the next.
Membership numbers grow to 137. Our members vote for a record number of volunteers, who remain committed
to supporting Australian Christian Writers, equipping them with training, providing networks of community and
encouragement, and running conferences and CALEB.
The committee votes to invest in website redesign and rebranding of Omega Writers so as to better communicate
with our members and to increase our network of Australian Christian writers.

Introducing the Omega Writers members

Omega Writers is Australia’s Christian Writers Network. Check out our accomplished members below and follow their
links to their publications.

Profile photo ofAdam
Adam Collings
  • Website (URL)
  • Biography
    Science Fiction writer inspired by imagination, experiences, and faith.
  • Country and/or State
Profile photo ofadelejones
Adele Jones
  • Website (URL)
  • Biography
    Author of "Science fiction for the real world" YA fringe and near sci-fi stories, tackling complex teen issues.
  • Country and/or State
Profile photo ofAlisonLl
Alison Lloyd
  • Website (URL)
  • Biography
    History with heart: thoughtful, romantic, adventurous historical fiction
  • Country and/or State
    Victoria, Australia
Alison Ockey
  • Biography
    Writing about crime, fiction and non-fiction.
Showing 1 - 4 of 174 members

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